Getting Started with Airlines


These instructions are a work in progress, if you have any questions ask them in our virtual-airline channel on Discord:

1. Register for FSAirlines and verify email address:
Click Register on the left and be sure to verify your email address by clicking the link fsAirlines emailed to you. If you did not receive an email visit then on the left side near the top click Verify E-mail then click Send new verification code. If you do not verify email it will not let you book a flight.

2. Set your display name:
After registering visit Crew Center and click Edit Profile near the top right to set the First name field. This will be the your public name in our VA so be sure to set it as your Discord or Forum Username. Leave the Surname field blank, then click the blue Edit button after the fields.

3. Apply to Airlines:
Visit the Crew Center, on the left side of your screen under Virtual Airline, select from the drop down list: Airlines then click “Apple To VA” on the right side panel. You will have to wait for a VA manager to approve your membership. Send a message in our Discord virtual-airline channel to let us know you applied.

4. Change your location:
Click Dashboard on our VA website which will take you here: login to the Dispatch Office then click the link “Change Your Location - Buy Ticket” select United States in Country field and Bowerman for the airport. Click Pay for The Ticked And Change Location button.

5. Book a flight:
Use the route map on the Dashboard to choose a destination, click that airport so you can make note of its airport code. Click the “Flight Booking” link in the Dispatch Office then choose a flight with the destination airport ICAO name you noted earlier. Select a plane to use by clicking the check-mark on the right (the plane you select must match what you load into the flight simulator). Some of the Aircraft Types: C172 = Cessna 172. BE58= Beachcraft Baron 58. C208 = Cessna Grand Caravan.

6. Install SimConnect:
Download and install Simconnect here:

7. Install Virtual Airline Manager:
Download and install fsAirlines here:

8. Load Flight Simulator:
Load into your flight simulator with the aircraft type you selected in step 5 and at the correct airport.

9. Record your flight:
Open the FSAirlines Virtual Airliner Manager program you downloaded and login with your username. Click the button “Fly!”. Select your desired amount of fuel by clicking fuel up. If the next screens say you are overweight click “change” next to cargo to have it automatically lower the cargo amount or if you click change next to passengers it will lower the passenger amount automatically. Click next to go through all of the screens until it says you are ready to start.

10. Submit your flight:
After you land at the destination airport click the end flight button.
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